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LiTime 12V 200Ah PLUS Lithium LiFePO4 Battery, Max 2560W Power Output, 10-Year Lifetime, 200A BMS LiFePO4 Battery for RV, Solar, Off-Grid, Marine

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$99.00 ( In Stock ) ( left ) ( out of stock )

LiTime 12V 200Ah PLUS battery adopt Automotive Grade LiFePO4 Cells in battery pack, and insist on providing the customer with an environmentally friendly green power solution.  This battery built in a battery management system (BMS).  BMS provides all kinds of protection for the battery and customer, equipped with Over charge and short circuit protection.  Lighter, stronger and longer life span with 4000+ cycles makes this the ideal battery for all your Deep Cycle applications such as, Solar / wind  energy systems, Off Grid systems, RV, Camping, Backup power systems and much more.

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